In the search for sustainable urban solutions, the integration of solar panels with green roofs, known as biosolar rooftops, is emerging as a game-changer. This innovative approach not only promises a greener future but also maximizes the efficiency of solar energy generation.
Biosolar rooftops are a fusion of solar panels and green roofs. Unlike conventional setups where solar panels are merely placed on green roofs, biosolar rooftops are designed to ensure that both the green roof and solar technologies work in harmony. This integration is not just about energy generation; it’s also about maximizing biodiversity.
One of the challenges with solar panels is the loss of efficiency as they heat up. When the temperature of a solar panel rises beyond 25°C, its efficiency can drop significantly. However, green roofs have a natural cooling effect. On extremely hot days, green roofs can be up to 21ºC cooler than their conventional counterparts. This temperature moderation can counteract the heat’s negative impact on solar panels, potentially boosting their output by as much as 107% during peak periods.
The integration of solar panels and green roofs creates diverse micro-climates. These varied environments can support a wide range of species, from plants to insects like butterflies, bees, and beetles. This biodiversity is especially needed in urban settings, where natural habitats are often scarce.
The success of a biosolar roof hinges on its design and installation. It’s essential to ensure that the solar panels and the greenery coexist without hindering each other. For instance, if solar panels are placed too close together, it could lead to unwanted vegetation growth. Conversely, well-designed biosolar roofs can ensure that both the solar and green elements thrive.
Beyond energy generation, the combination of solar panels and green roofs offers several ecological benefits. Solar panels create shaded areas on the roof, leading to new habitats. Rain runoff from the panels can create damp areas, fostering a habitat mosaic that supports diverse vegetation. Moreover, the substrate of the green roof can anchor the solar base, eliminating the need for roof membrane penetrations.
Biosolar rooftops represent more than just a sustainable solution; they symbolize the future of urban development. As cities continue to expand, the need for energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly solutions becomes paramount. Biosolar rooftops, with their dual benefits of energy generation and biodiversity support, are poised to lead the way in this green revolution.
17 – 18 september mark the dates when ELAT Solar showcases how we’re redefining the solar landscape at Solar & Storage Live Zurich.
We’re excited to meet you and demonstrate how being different is the key to unlocking a brighter, greener future.